Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Kit Bash: Subtle Conversions for late war SS

Lately I've really enjoying bringing a touch of individuality to my models through subtle conversions. With a Market Garden Campaign on the horizon for next year, I felt inspired to add a personal touch to my SS troops who will play the part of the many kampfgruppen which were formed in response the allied landings.

These examples below are simple arm swaps with bits from the British Airborne plastic kit and the German Grenadiers plastic kit - both from warlord. 

This SS soldier with panzerfaust has his Kar98 slung over his shoulder. The arm and sling are from the British Airborne box with the Lee Enfield snipped off and replaced with a spare Kar98 from the German Grenadiers box. I think it really captures the feel of an exhausted soldier who's been marching for hours.

Likewise, this soldier running and swapping out his Stg44 magazine was a simple conversion made using a spare Stg44 from the SS kit and an empty arm from the British Airborne kit. I imagine him advancing under heavy fire while taking a fresh magazine from his bandolier. 

When placed together the figures look the part and capture the feeling of a small Kampfgruppen ready to push the Brits out of Arnhem!

As I continue to add to my 6th Airborne and SS armies I'm sure I will make many other conversions inspired by photos, other wargamers models and anything else I see. When complete I will be sure do post an army showcase for each army!

Signing off,


Scenario 7: The Airborne Retreat

Monday 25th September 1944. It is clear that the British 1st Airborne Division can no longer hold out at Oosterbeek. After over a week of br...