Friday, January 31, 2025

Battle Report: German attack on the Oosterbreek Perimeter

Bolt Action Battle Report: German attack on the Oosterbreek Perimeter

A Stug III leads the assault into the perimeter.
The British 1st Airborne Division had been holding the Oosterbeek perimeter for days, battered, hungry, and desperately low on ammunition. Captain McGregor, a veteran leader, moved between the makeshift strongpoints, inspiring his men to hold firm against the coming storm. Across the fields, the men of the SS Panzer Corps prepared for another push, knowing that time was running out—XXX Corps would arrive soon, and if they failed to crush the paratroopers now, they might lose their chance forever.

Caught alone in the street - McGreggor is cut down!

The attack started with an earth-shattering roar as tank shells crashed into the buildings, sending debris and dust cascading down onto the dug-in British defenders. As the Germans advanced, the paratroopers fired wildly from windows and foxholes, cutting down the first wave of attackers. But the sheer weight of fire was overwhelming, and the defenders knew they couldn’t hold out forever.

From a half-collapsed rooftop, a British sniper took careful aim and fired, pinning down a squad of SS fanatics. Meanwhile, Polish artillery from across the Arnhem River let loose, hammering the advancing Germans. However, with the battle so close, some British soldiers were shaken by the near-friendly fire. Captain McGregor dashed across the broken street, shouting orders and urging his men to stand fast. Just as he reached the cover of another house, an SS Leutnant von Schnitzel leveled his StG44 and fired a merciless burst. McGregor staggered as bullets tore through him, crumpling to the ground. His men, already on the brink, felt the loss like a hammer blow—but they gritted their teeth and fought on.

Partisans charge the SS Leutnant!

Elsewhere, a squad of paratroopers rushed into a building, seeking cover—only to find themselves face-to-face with a group of exhausted but hardened German grenadiers. The room exploded in a wicked burst of gunfire, and within seconds, the British troopers lay dead, their bodies slumped against the walls.

Suddenly, from the basement of a ruined house, a small group of Dutch partisans emerged, wielding old rifles and makeshift weapons. Their eyes burned with vengeance as they charged straight for the SS Leutnant, dragging him into a brutal melee. The fight was short and vicious—the officer was beaten down, his body left in the street. But the partisans' victory was fleeting, as a nearby MG42 squad cut them down moments later.

At the height of the fighting, a German mortar team dialed in on the British machine gun nest, which had been stubbornly holding a garden on the outskirts of town. A single shell screamed down from the sky and landed dead-on—when the dust settled, nothing remained of the MG team. The British line wavered; they were on the brink.

A direct hit on the MG team in the garden!

Both sides were exhausted, their ranks thinned, their ammunition running dangerously low. Though the Germans had failed to break through completely, they had inflicted a mortal wound on the British defense. With Captain McGregor dead and the machine gun positions neutralized, the paratroopers knew their time in Oosterbeek was running out.

As night fell, the SS forces pulled back to regroup, preparing for another attack. But the British knew they wouldn’t last much longer. The battle had ended in a draw—but for the British paratroopers, it was a battle they could not afford to fight again.

An absolutely cracking game of bolt action! The end result was 6 points each side and our first draw in a game. It literally came down to the last few dice rolls from the German side to see if they could kill the last few paratroopers holding one of the houses. Much like real life, it was a brutal, hard-fought engagement, and though the British held the perimeter for now, the writing was on the wall. Operation Market Garden was nearing its bitter end!
Signing off


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Scenario 6: German attack on the Oosterbreek Perimeter

 Thursday 21st of September 1944. After the British 1st Airborne Division had established a defensive perimeter around the village of Oosterbeek, just west of Arnhem, they faced relentless assaults from German forces attempting to dislodge them. The perimeter was crucial as it provided the British with a fallback position and a chance to link up with the advancing XXX Corps.

The German attacks were spearheaded by elements of the 2nd SS Panzer Corps, including tanks, artillery, and infantry. These forces, supported by heavy firepower, launched repeated assaults on the British positions, hoping to crush the resistance and eliminate the bridgehead on the north side of the Rhine. The British defenders, outnumbered, undersupplied, and exhausted,hold on desperately waiting for XXX corps to arrive. Will they make it?

The Story Of Operation 'Market Garden' In Photos | IWM
British Airborne hunker down and await relief from XXX corps.

Scenario: The German player needs to drive the British out of the buildings and the defender needs to prevent that from happening. The British player gets 2VP for each building held at the end of turn 6. The German player gets 1VP for each British unit destroyed.


British 1st Airborne:

Captain + Man (Veteran)

Artillery Observer (Veteran)

Paratroop Section:
6 Infantry LMG and loader  + Seargent with SMG (Veteran).

Paratroop Section:
6 Infantry LMG and loader  + Seargent with SMG (Veteran)

Paratroop Section:
6 Infantry LMG and loader  + Seargent with SMG (Veteran)

Medium Machine Gun Team (Veteran).

PIAT team (Veteran)

Sniper Team (Veteran)

Dutch Resistance Squad (Inexperienced)  

2nd Panzer Corps:

2nd Leutnant + Man (Regular)

Waffen SS squad:
6 infantry, 2 assault rifles 1 panzer faust (Fanatics)

Heer Grenadier Squad:
5 infantry, 1 panzer faust + Seargent with SMG (Regular)

Heer Grenadier Squad:
5 infantry, 1 panzer faust + Seargent with SMG (Regular)

Medium Machine Gun Team (Regular)

Medium Mortar Team + Spotter (Regular) 

20mm Flak Gun (Regular)

Stug III (Regular)


Special Rules: 

Local Support: The British receive a free dutch resistance squad which must be held in reserve.

The next installment for our campaign! Very keen to play out the final days of Operation Market Garden and see what the dice have in store for us!

Signing out,


Friday, January 10, 2025

Battle Report: 107th Panzer Division Assault on the Son Bridge


Bolt Action Battle Report: The 107th Panzer Division Assault on Son Bridge
September 20th, 1944

The fields and roads surrounding the Son Bridge were eerily quiet as dawn broke. Dug into defensive positions on the northern side of the bridge, the American paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division braced for the inevitable assault. Across the canal, the rumble of engines and clatter of tank tracks echoed ominously—elements of the 107th Panzer Brigade were on the move. This would be a fierce contest for control of this crucial crossing in Operation Market Garden.

The German Panzers assault

The German armor surged forward, a mix of Panzer IVs and StuG IIIs leading the charge, flanked by halftracks brimming with Panzergrenadiers. Shells and bullets rained down on the American positions, but the paratroopers held firm in their dugouts, trenches, and bunkers. Thanks to their prepared defenses, the withering German fire proved ineffective, with ricochets and explosions sending dirt and debris flying but failing to dislodge the defenders.

The Americans responded with disciplined small-arms fire and sporadic bazooka shots, keeping the advancing German forces at bay.

As the pressure mounted, a US radio operator frantically called for air support. Minutes later, the distant roar of engines grew louder, and a P-47 Thunderbolt swooped down through the clouds. The fighter-bomber released its payload directly onto a Panzer IV attempting to cross the riverbank. The explosion disabled the tank’s tracks, leaving it immobilized on the water’s edge. Despite being a sitting duck, the Panzer IV’s turret continued to rotate, spitting shells at the Americans in the trenches.

The Americans under fire in their positions

Seizing their moment, a squad of Panzergrenadiers charged the newly constructed Bailey bridge, braving torrents of gunfire from the Americans and even a strafing run from the P-47. Reaching the far side, the Germans stormed into a trench occupied by a US bazooka team. A young private, armed only with his bazooka and raw determination, fought off the charging grenadiers in brutal hand-to-hand combat. Swinging the empty tube like a club, he dispatched one soldier after another, forcing the surviving Germans to flee in disarray. Bloodied but unbowed, the private held his ground, his actions likened to a rock standing unbroken against a crashing wave.

The Stug is knocked out by XXX corps armor.
Meanwhile, a German flamethrower team miraculously survived waves of American fire. Dodging machine gun bursts, tank shells, and rifle fire, they managed to find cover just short of a critical bunker housing several American paratroopers. The German commander barked the order to light the flame and eliminate the defenders inside. But as the operator raised the flamethrower, his courage failed. The sight of the gun barrels trained on his position, coupled with the horrors of war, proved too much. The young soldier froze, refusing to carry out the attack. The German officer shouted in frustration, but it was too late—the opportunity had passed.

The Americans hold the bridge!

As the battle reached its crescendo, the roar of British engines signaled the arrival of XXX Corps. A Sherman tank platoon emerged behind the German lines, having broken through to reinforce the Americans. The Sherman, led by an ace crew, made quick work of the German armor. The StuG III erupted in flames, its crew scrambling for safety. The immobilized Panzer IV on the riverbank was finally silenced by a well-placed round. The German halftracks, caught in the open, were shredded by the tanks withering fire.

With their armor destroyed and reinforcements overwhelmed, the German assault faltered. Colonel Von Schnitzel, realizing the day was lost, reluctantly gave the order to retreat. His troops scattered back across the fields, leaving the battered but victorious paratroopers to emerge from their bunkers and trenches.

The Americans regrouped on the Bailey bridge, their battered uniforms caked in mud and soot. As the last of the German forces retreated into the distance, a cheer erupted among the paratroopers. They had held the bridge against overwhelming odds, ensuring the advance of Allied forces deeper into
occupied Holland!

Another great game of bolt action with a convincing allied win! The game played out much like the historical events of the Son Bridge assault. The 107th Panzer Brigade made a valiant attempt to seize the crossing, but the arrival of British XXX Corps turned the tide. The combination of American grit and British firepower proved too much for the German attackers. There's something fun about playing a historical battle out and having it resolve much the way that it did on the actual day in history!

Looking forward to our next game of this campaign where the British paratroopers in Arnhem must hold on against all odds.

Signing out,


Scenario 7: The Airborne Retreat

Monday 25th September 1944. It is clear that the British 1st Airborne Division can no longer hold out at Oosterbeek. After over a week of br...