Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Scenario 4: Crossing the Waal

Crossing of the river Waal
American forces cross the Waal river under heavy fire.


Background: September 20th 1944, desperate to secure the Nijmegan bridge before German reinforcements arrived, General Gavin devised a daring plan: the Americans would conduct a risky daylight assault across the Waal River in flimsy canvas assault boats and in full view of German machine guns and artillery! Men from the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment set out to cross the Waal in these small boats with many men paddling with rifle butts or even their hands. The crossing was chaotic. Many of the boats were damaged or sunk by enemy fire but amazingly the paratroopers made it across and launched a ferocious assault on the German positions dug into the north bank. However, will it be enough to secure the bridge and give XXX corps a clear path to Arnhem?

Scenario: Crossing the Waal (from Operation Market Garden Campaign Book).


Kampfgruppe Henke:

2nd Lieutenant + man (Regular)

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)  (Must be held in reserve till turn 3)
NCO with SMG + LMG + Loader +4 rifles (1 Panzerfaust)

MMG team (Regular)

MMG team (Regular)

Kübelwagen + MMG (Regular)  (Must be held in reserve till turn 3)

82nd Airborne Division:

2nd Lieutenant + man (Veterans)

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles.

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles.

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles.

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles.

Bazooka Team (Veterans)

Medium Machine Gun Team (Veterans)

Flamethrower Team (Veterans)

Mission Objectives: 

The US forces must seize the north side of the bridge. The US player gets 1 VP for every German Unit destroyed and every US unit at the North side of the bridge. The German players gets 1 VP for every US unit destroyed. If the Americans have failed to clear the bridge embankment by the end of Turn 5 roll a D6; a result of 1 means the German engineers have prepared their explosive charges. Roll the D6 again; a result of 1 or 2 means the bridge has blown and Market Garden has been stopped in its tracks. If not, repeat the process at the end of Turn 6, but this time a result of 1 – 4 means the bridge has gone up in smoke!

Special Rules: 

Under heavy fire: To represent the US forces advancing under heavy fire, before the game starts resolve a preparatory bombardment against the American forces.


The next installment for our campaign. Looking forward to playing out this amazing scenario in a cracking game of bolt action!

Signing out,



Saturday, August 24, 2024

Battle Report: The Battle for Nijmegan

The early morning mist clung to the streets of Nijmegen as the American paratroopers moved into position. High above the city, an American machine gun team had set up in the bell tower of an ancient church, its Gothic spires giving them a clear line of sight over the city. The team knew that this position was vital; they could see the entire German advance from here.

Paratroopers overlooking the city streets

As the German forces moved into position, setting up in the abandoned houses which now lay bombed out on rubble filled streets. A German sniper, expertly hidden in the bombed-out remains of a nearby building, began picking off the gunners. The Americans tried to return fire, but each time the gunner popped up to fire a burst, the sniper’s shots forced them to duck back down. The Germans then brought in a mortar, sending shells crashing into the church tower. Each explosion shook the tower, raining dust and debris on the beleaguered Americans, who found themselves trapped and unable to move.

On the ground, the fighting was equally intense. A squad of German mortar men had taken up position in the hedges on the outskirts of town, their shells falling with deadly precision on the advancing Americans.

The sounds of battle drew the attention of a group of Dutch partisans who had been waiting for their chance to strike back at the occupiers. In a dark, dank basement beneath a crumbling house, they had been listening to the battle above, waiting for the right moment. When they heard the sharp crack of a sniper’s rifle from the upper floors, they knew it was time to act. Armed with makeshift weapons – a mix of clubs, hammers, and a few old rifles – they quietly ascended the stairs. Bursting into the sniper's nest, they found a lone German soldier, his rifle trained on the church tower. The partisans overwhelmed him in seconds, clubbing him to death in a flurry of blows. The sniper’s body was dragged into the street, a grim symbol of the Dutch resistance’s determination to fight back.

Meanwhile, the battle for the bridge raged on. A Sherman tank from XXX corps arrived and began to lead the final assault, its massive turret swiveling to and fro as it pushed down the narrow streets. But lurking in the shadows was a lone German soldier armed with a Panzerfaust, determined to stop the

None of the Panzershrek shots found their mark!

Allied advance.

With a steely resolve, the German soldier took aim and fired his first rocket. It streaked toward the Sherman but missed, slamming into a nearby wall and sending a cloud of dust and debris into the air. The Sherman pressed on, its machine guns blazing, but the German soldier was not deterred. He reloaded and fired again, only for the second rocket to go wide and explode harmlessly in an open square. Undeterred, the German soldier prepared a third Panzerfaust. Just as he was about to fire, the Sherman’s main gun roared to life. The explosive shell hit the German’s position, sending a shower of rubble flying. When the smoke cleared, the Sherman was still moving forward, unscathed.

Meanwhile, in a rare lapse of tactical judgment, a group of German soilders charged from their position of a bomb crater into a unit of veteran paratroopers. The Americans raised their rifles and shot the advancing Germans to pieces before counter assaulting and occupying the same crater from whence they came.

The paratroopers capture the crater

As the battle seemed to reach a crescendo, the roar of engines echoed across the battlefield. It was the sound that the paratroopers had been waiting for – the tanks of XXX Corps had arrived. Led by the renowned Irish Guards, the British armored columns smashed through the German defenses on the outskirts of Nijmegen and pressed toward the city center. It was then that Corporal Hensley, spotting an opportunity and took matters into his own hands. He revved up the engine of a nearby Jeep, its machine gun mounted and ready. Without hesitation, he drove straight into the crossfire, bullets whizzing past as he charged toward the German mortar position. The Germans frantically tried to reload, but they were too slow. The Jeep skidded to a halt just meters from their position, and the .50 caliber machine gun roared to life. In a matter of seconds, the German mortar crew was mowed down, silencing their deadly fire.

The Brits arrive at the city outskirts
The sight of the British tanks rolling into Nijmegen bolstered the weary paratroopers. With renewed vigor, they coordinated their efforts with the advancing tanks, tightening the noose around the remaining German defenders. Kampfgruppe Henke, despite their best efforts, found themselves increasingly outmatched and outgunned.

With the British armor providing overwhelming firepower and the American paratroopers pressing the attack, the German defense began to crumble. The streets of Nijmegen were filled with the sounds of battle – the rumble of tanks, the crack of rifles, and the thud of artillery. But the coordinated efforts of the Allies slowly but surely pushed the Germans back.

As the last remnants of Kampfgruppe Henke retreated across the bridge, the battle for Nijmegen came to a close. As the smoke began to clear, the paratroopers and British tank crews let out a cheer – a victory cry that echoed across the ruined city. They had won the day, but the road to Arnhem still lay ahead, and with it, more battles yet to come.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sneak Peak: British XXX Corps

With our next campaign game coming up it put the fire under me to get a move on with the British forces for the Operation Market Garden Campaign. I'm making a force that I want to use to represent XXX Corps!

XXX Corps played a crucial role in Operation Market Garden, one of the most ambitious and daring operations of the war. The corps was commanded by Lieutenant General Brian Horrocks and consisted of an array of British and Commonwealth troops, armored divisions, and support units. Their objective during Market Garden was to advance through the Netherlands, secure key bridges, and ultimately link up with airborne forces that had been dropped ahead to seize these strategic points. Despite the operation’s mixed outcomes, the bravery and tenacity of XXX Corps remain legendary.

XXX Corps passing through Grave are greeted by Dutch civilians.

In our Operation Market Garden campaign, I wanted to capture the essence of this historical effort by building an army that represents the combined might of the Anglo-American forces. While XXX Corps was predominantly British, the operation itself involved a coordinated effort with American airborne divisions, making it a perfect theme for a diverse and dynamic army.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of this project (and hobby in general) has been (1) researching the units and battles in detail and gaining a deep understanding of the importance that these events held for not only the people who lived through them, but us as well, and (2) the opportunity to paint a new faction. Transitioning from my usual armies to XXX Corps allowed me to explore new techniques and color palettes. The distinct British uniforms  provided a refreshing change and a chance to expand my painting skills. Here's a few snaps below of some minis I've done so far:

Simple conversion with a US airborne left arm

Wounded rifleman

Sarge having a durry

The boys together

Wouldn't be XXX corps without some armored support (still very much WIP)

Creating my XXX Corps army for the Operation Market Garden campaign has been a fulfilling experience. I'm excited to see how this army performs on the tabletop and how it adds depth and immersion to our campaign games.

Whether you're a seasoned wargamer or just starting out, I highly recommend taking on a project that pushes your creative boundaries and allows you to learn more about the rich history behind the armies we collect and paint.

Signing out,


Friday, June 21, 2024

Scenario 3: The Battle for Nijmegen


The Waal Bridge and Nijmegen following the battle.

Background: Tuesday 19th September 1944 - the British Guards Armored Division and US 82nd Airborne Division have finally joined forces and are poised to capture the town of Nijmegen, securing the ever important bridge spanning the Waal river. In the late afternoon the Anglo-American combat forces move into town, resulting in a heavy firefight with a mixture of elite SS and regular Heer troops of Kampfgruppe Henke. The fate of Nijmegen hangs in the balance and the British 1st airborne troops in Arnhem are in desperate need of relief. Will the allies successfully capture the bridge?

Scenario: Key positions.


Anglo-American Forces (82nd PIR and British Guards Armored Division).

2nd Lieutenant + man (Veterans)

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)

-          NCO with SMG + 1 BAR+  6 rifles

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)

-         NCO with SMG + 1 BAR+  6 rifles 

British Guards Infantry Section (Regular)

NCO with SMG + 6 rifles

Medium Machine gun Team (Veterans)

Bazooka Team (Veterans)

Jeep with MMG (Veterans)

Resistance Squad (Inexperienced)

M4 Sherman 75mm

Kampfgruppe Henke

2nd Lieutenant + man (Veteran)

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
NCO with SMG + LMG + Loader +3 rifles (1 Panzerfaust)

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
NCO with SMG + LMG + Loader +3 rifles (1 Panzerfaust)

SS troops of Kampfgruppe Henke (Veteran)
NCO with SMG +2 Assault rifle +2 rifles (1 Panzerfaust)

MMG team (Regular)

Medium Mortar Team + Spotter (Regular)

Panzershrek Team (Regular)

Sniper Team (Regular)

75mm Pak40 (Regular)

SdKFz 251 Halftrack (Regular)

Mission objectives: Both sides much destroy the enemy forces and capture the key positions of Nijmegen!

Special Rules:

Local Help: The allied forces receive a free Dutch Resistance Squad to their army list.


Very keen for the next installment in the campaign and a cracking game of bolt action!

Signing out,


Friday, June 14, 2024

Battle Report: Grabner's Assault on Arnhem Bridge

The British open fire on the approaching Germans
The morning sun cast long shadows over the battle-scarred town of Arnhem. The British Paratroopers from 1st Airborne Division lay in wait within the damaged buildings, their eyes trained on the bridge that was key to the entire operation. The once picturesque town had turned into a formidable stronghold, with every window and ruin potentially hiding a defender ready to unleash fury on the approaching German forces.

The calm before the storm was shattered as the rumble of German vehicles echoed across the bridge. The British soldiers tightened their grips on their weapons, nerves taut. As the first German units began to cross, the signal was given. A hail of fire erupted from the British positions, sending bullets and shells raining down upon the advancing troops.

Chaos on the bridge!
German soldiers found themselves pinned down by the relentless and precise fire. The sound of gunfire was deafening, and the air was thick with smoke and the acrid smell of cordite. Despite their initial shock, the Germans tried to return fire, but their attempts were largely ineffective against the well-concealed British positions.

Amidst the chaos, Lance corporal Harry Styles of the british flamethrower team saw an opportunity. Harry and his assistant dashed from their cover, their flamethrower aimed at a German Hanomag half-track. The intent was to turn the vehicle into a blazing inferno, but in their haste, the flames went wide, missing the target. The Germans, now fully aware of the immediate threat, swiftly retaliated. A volley of bullets cut down the brave flamethrower team before they could retreat to safety. 

The Sd.Kfz. 234 fires onto the British 6pdr
German vehicles raced across the bridge and began swerving wildly through the streets past the paratrooper with the intent of making a break through the city. In anticipation the British 6pdr gun spun around to pick off the vehicles as they roared across the fields skirting Arnhem. Meanwhile, down the street, a German Puma armored car had found its mark. The Puma's pintle mounted machine gun roared to life, sending a hail of bullets down the street towards the British 6pdr anti-tank gun crew. The fire was near enough to send debris flying and pinned the gun crew, preventing them from returning effective fire. 

In a desperate bid to break through, a German Kubelwagen made a mad dash for safety. The small vehicle sped across the open field, drawing the attention of the British Vickers MG team. The machine gun opened up, its staccato fire tearing into the Kubelwagen's engine. The vehicle sputtered and came to a halt, smoke billowing from under the hood. The German crew, realising their situation was untenable, abandoned the immobilised vehicle and sought cover.


The wagon immobilised inches from the table edge.

Grabner's assault had been fierce but ultimately unsuccessful. The British paratroopers' determination and tactical acumen had proven too much for the Germans. In the chaos of the battle, SS-Hauptsturmführer Viktor Grabner was lost. While the British presumed him dead on the bridge amidst the wreckage of his assault, the uncertainty lingered—no body had been confirmed, leaving a shadow of doubt over his fate. Nevertheless, Arnhem bridge, a crucial link in Operation Market Garden, remained a bastion of resistance, thanks to the bravery and sacrifice of the men of the 1st Airborne Division.



Another cracking game of bolt action with an interesting scenario from the Operation Market Garden Campaign book. While it was a British victory the game was much closer than it seemed with the Germans poised to get the Kubbel, Motorbike and Puma off the table in the next turn (thus sealing a victory!) given the British could not immobilise the car. Looking forward to our next battle for the campaign where we will play out the capture of Nijmegen! 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Scenario 2: Graber's assault on Arnhem Bridge


Arnhem Bridge 1944

Background: Monday, 18th September 1944 the British 1st Parachute Battalion have captured the houses north of Arnhem bridge the previous night. In the chaos of the initial landings, Haupsturmfuhrer Viktor Grabners 9th SS Panzeraufklärung battalion has raced south to Nijmegen and are now returning to Arnhem. Aware of the British presence on the north of the bridge Grabner makes the daring decision to launch a direct attack across the bridge to punch through the British forces. However, the British are ready, and packing more firepower than expected - chaos ensues on the bridge as Grabner must make it across!

Scenario: Scenario 11: Grabner's Attack (From the Campaign Market Garden book)


British 1st Parachute Battalion

2nd Lt and Man (Veteran)

Parachute Section
3 rifles + LMG w Loader + NCO with SMG (Veteran)

Parachute Section
3 rifles + LMG w Loader + NCO with SMG (Veteran)

Parachute Section
3 rifles + LMG w Loader + NCO with SMG (Veteran)

MMG Team (Veteran)

PIAT Team (Veteran)

Flamethrower Team (Veteran)

6pdr gun team (Veteran)

Grabners 9th SS Panzeraufklärung

2nd Lt and Man (Veteran)

SS Reconnaissance Squad
4 rifles (1 Panzerfaust) + NCO with SMG (Regular)

SS Reconnaissance Squad
4 rifles (1 Panzerfaust) + NCO with SMG (Regular)

SS Reconnaissance Squad
2 rifles (1 Panzerfaust) +LMG w Loader + NCO with SMG (Regular)

SS Reconnaissance Squad
2 rifles (1 Panzerfaust) +LMG w Loader + NCO with SMG (Regular)

Kubelwagen with MMG (Regular)

Motorcyle with Machine-gun Sidecar (Regular)

SdKfz 234/2 'Puma' (Regular)

SdKfz 240/1 Half Track (Regular)

Mission objectives: The Germans must force their way across the bridge. The Germans must get 3 units off of the opposite board edge before the end of turn 6.   

Special Rules:

Dug in: The British anti-tank gun and 2 other units can start the game in Ambush.

Very keen for the next installment in the campaign after a bit of a hiatus while I've been on holidays!

Signing out,


Scenario 4: Crossing the Waal

American forces cross the Waal river under heavy fire.   Background: September 20th 1944, desperate to secure the Nijmegan bridge before Ger...