Sunday, December 19, 2021

Introducing Chewie's Bolt Action Blog

This blog will follow the design and play through of a Bolt Action campaign focused on the Airborne element of Operation Overlord. It will consist of 7 battles which will encompass the Airborne landings and capture of St Mere-Eglis in the early hours of 6th June 1944 all the way to the German counter attack on Carentan in the afternoon of 12th June 1944. 

The battles will be played in the following order:

  • Operation Boston (Landing in DZ "O")
  • Liberation of St Mere-Eglis
  • Assault on Brecourt Battery
  • Les Forges
  • Crossing of the Douvre
  • Attack on Carentan
  • Counter Attack on Carentan.


I will be playing with the same opponent over the course of the campaign with the idea to play one battle per month if our schedule allows for it.

It will be something of an escalation campaign with the first mission being 400pts a side and the final being 1200pts. In each battle a win for the US or German side will influence the next game in a small way (e.g. +1 to order tests to bring reserves onto the field). I didn't want to give the winning team too much of an advantage to continue winning and snowball the whole campaign.


The campaign will take place in the areas shown on the map below:

I am fairly new to Bolt Action in general having only started playing in 2021 and I hope this campaign will be a fun and rewarding experience. This blog will allow me to record my thoughts and the outcomes of each battle and hopefully inspire others to do similar things with their hobby group.

Signing off,


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Scenario 7: The Airborne Retreat

Monday 25th September 1944. It is clear that the British 1st Airborne Division can no longer hold out at Oosterbeek. After over a week of br...