Thursday, May 12, 2022

Scenario 5: Crossing the Douve

With game 4 done and dusted and the Germans pushed out of St Come du Mont we move on to scenario 5 - Crossing the Douve!

Background: 8am 8th June 1944 North of Carentan. US forces have launched an attack at St Come du Mont from 3 sides. The 3rd battalion from the 502nd push the  1058th Grenadier Regiment from the 91st Infantry Division to the West of the village and push through to the Carentan highway. In hot pursuit the 3rd battalion come under fire from the 88's positioned at Carentan. As a result the 3rd Battalion retreat across North only to come into contact with retreating German units regrouping towards Carentan. Positioned on the edge of the Douve river, the Germans have regrouped to form a counter attack and push the American forces away from the bridge. The Americans must hold on through the German counter attack and extend over the river.

The site of our battle - the river between St Come-du-Mont and Carentan.


Points: 700pts US vs 700 pts German.

Scenario: Demolition. The Germans must counter attack across the river and destroy the 3rd Batallion HQ. The Americans must capture the bridge and destroy the German HQ driving them away from farms surrounding Carentan.


US Airborne in Normandy some days after their landing.



US: 502nd PIR 3rd Batallion



Regular 2nd Lieutenant and Man


Regular Air Observer



Regular Paratrooper Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Regular Paratrooper Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Regular Paratrooper Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Veteran Engineer Squad

1 NCO with submachine gun
2 Flame thrower
3 Riflemen


Regular MMG team


Regular Bazooka Team


Regular 57mm Anti-Tank Gun


German MG34 team in action, circa 1943.
German forces defending the farms and fields of Normandy during the allied landings.



German: Grenadier-Regiment 1058, 91. Infanterie Division



Regular 2nd Lieutenant and Man


Regular Forward Artillery Observer



Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

4 Riflemen (1 Panzerfaust)

1 Machine gun with 1 loader


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

4 Riflemen(1 Panzerfaust)

1 Machine gun with 1 loader.


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

2 Assault Rifles

3 Riflemen (1 Panzerfaust


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

2 Assault Rifles

3 Riflemen (1 Panzerfaust)


Regular MMG team



Regular SdKfz 234/2 'Puma'


As a boon to winning the last game, the US player will get 1 re-roll on the results of their Air Strike Chart.

I expect another cracker of a game and look forward to the next battle of our campaign!

Signing off,



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