Thursday, June 16, 2022

Scenario 6: The Battle for Carentan

With a draw in our last battle for the Douve River, we are both keen to get cracking on the next scenario for our Normandy campaign - the Battle for Carentan. This is an iconic battle which has been immortalised in HBOs Band of Brothers and was also a cracker of a level in the original Call of Duty.

Background:  Both sides have realised the importance of the town of Carentan in joining the American beach fronts of Utah and Omaha. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, who is managing the defence of Normandy beaches has ordered the 17th Panzer Grenadier Division and 6th Fallschirmjäger Regiment to hold the town of Carentan from Allied hands. German Commander Von Der Heydte, charged with holding the town realises that his forces will be destroyed by the American forces in their current state. Late on the 11th of June, he orders a withdrawal from Carentan and he leaves one depleted company in the town to delay the US attack. On the morning of June 12th the men of the men of 506th PIR launch their assault into the town to be met by fierce German resistance and fatally accurate artillery.

Carentan was a key objective for the Allies in the days following D-Day.

Scenario: Attackers and Defenders - The Americans (attackers) must capture the town from the German forces (defenders) who must resist the American attack. Players score 1 victory point for each enemy unit destroyed and 2 victory points for each objective held (total of 3 objectives). We will roll for a preliminary bombardment.


US: 506th PIR



Regular 2nd Lieutenant and Man




Regular Paratrooper Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Regular Paratrooper Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Regular Paratrooper Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Veteran Engineer Squad

1 NCO with submachine gun
2 Riflemen

1 Flamethrower and Loader


Veteran Pathfinder Squad

1 NCO with submachine gun
2 Submachine guns


1 Rifle


Regular MMG team


Regular Bazooka Team


Regular Medium Mortar Steam

Forgotten Fights: The 101st Airborne at Carentan, June 1944 by Author Mitch  Yockelson, PhD | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans
American Airborne forces in the town following the fierce battle.


German:  FallschirmJäger Regiment 6



Regular 2nd Lieutenant and Man


Regular Forward Artillery Observer



Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

4 Riflemen (1 Panzerfaust)

1 Machine gun with 1 loader


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

4 Riflemen(1 Panzerfaust)

1 Machine gun with 1 loader.


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

4 Riflemen(1 Panzerfaust)

1 Machine gun with 1 loader.



Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

2 Assault Rifles

3 Riflemen (1 Panzerfaust


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

2 Assault Rifles

4 Riflemen (1 Panzerfaust)


Regular MMG team


Regular Sniper Team


The Battle of Carentan: “You're Gonna Die Here!” - Warfare History Network
The 6th Fallschirmjäger Regiment plan their defence of the town


Once again looking forward to a great game 6th and the 2nd last battle in our Normandy Campaign!

Signing out,


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