Monday, July 25, 2022

Army Showcase: German Heer

As our campaign has been delayed for a little while I thought it would be nice to follow up from the US Army showcase with a look at the German forces which have stared in the Normandy battle reports!

The army is loosely based on Western Europe 1944 and could be used for Normandy, Market Garden or perhaps even later in the final days of the war in 1945. I have tried to keep the army diverse in unit types and they could be fielded as a inexperienced (Polish conscripts), Regular or Veteran force.

2nd Panzer Grenadier Division:

German grenadiers from the Panzer Lehr Division. Normandy, France. June  1944. (1280 x 852) : r/GermanWW2photos 

Let's have a look at the units:

Lieutenant and man:

I used a sprue from the SS infantry box to make my HQ. I've given the Lieutenant the broom handle mauser for the rule of cool and his man has a Stg44 so we just play it as 2 assault rifles. The peaked cap is iconic of WII German officers so I decided to not go for the helmet even though I usually try and give my guys helmeted heads.

Heer Grenadier Squad 1:

I have 3 identical squads for this army which are NCO with SMG, 4 riflemen (1 with panzerfaust) and LMG team. The NCOs pointing hand is from the US airborne infantry sprue and for this squad I decided to have the loader bending down and feeding the belt ammo to a standing machine gunner. I didn't like that the only option for the Grenadier sprue is having the gun slung over the shoulder.

Heer Grenadier Squad 2:

Next grenadier squad. I modeled this squad to be on the move with the MG team moving and the panzer faust holder on the run. The men are made from a mix of SS and grenadier parts. 

Heer Grenadier Squad 3:

Final grenadier squad. For this one I had the NCO throwing a grenade and the machine gunner crouching while the loader runs over to him. Once again the men are made from a mix of SS and grenadier parts. 

Veteran Squad with Assault rifles:


This veteran squad is fully decked out with assault rifles and SMG NCO. Not sure a full squad of assault rifles is historically accurate and I often break them up and scatter them throughout the grenadier squads when making lists. I like to imagine these guys are veterans from the Eastern front (hence the captured PPSh on the NCO) and have been sent to the West for leave or to train some new recruits who are taking it easy in France. The NCO was originally my 2nd Lieutenant from the original Band of Brothers starter set but I demoted him to NCO when I got the SS sprue. 


This squad was made from my left over bits from the SS and grenadier squads. I wanted to have a squad of Sturmpioniere after reading about their role in the Battle of Stalingrad. I feel like the crouched and pointing position of the NCO and the bandaged head on the guy front left really sells that these guys are veterans. The backpacks are spares from the US airborne sprue and also help distinguish these guys from regular Heer grenadiers. The flamethrower team at the back are a mix of panzerfaust parts, a miliput sculpted flamer tank, paperclips and the 'loader' is carrying an MG42 barrel case but represents some kind of engineer explosives. I'm really happy with how they turned out. 

Sniper team:


The sniper team is simply made from grenadier bits and the foliaged helmet from the SS box. The scope on the sniper rifle is a rifle grenade trimmed down and painted. I wanted to capture the scene that the spotter has called out the location of a target and the sniper is about to fire. 

Medium Machine Gun Team:


This MMG team was a fun little project to put together and is made from a mix of parts. The 'spotter' is just heer grenadier with the ammo belt and binoculars. The gun team are firing from a position of miliput sandbags and the prone loader is actually the prone US airborne body and arms with an SS head and Grenadier webbing and breadbag. On the table they look the part and this MG team has shot down many paratroopers in the campaign so far!

Mortar Team:


I prefer plastic models to the metal sculpts and so when I saw the plastic mortar sprue on the Warlord website (I believe it is for a Hanomag) I thought it would make a great alternative to the metal mortar team. The loader and man covering his ears are directly from the sprue and just stuck on bases. The crouching man with the map and the spotter are from the Grenadier sprue. The spotters radio is made from a US browning ammo box and e-tool handle. The spotter also doubles as an artillery observer. All in all I'm very happy with it and glad I could avoid those metals!


The Pak40 is from Rubicon and was an absolute treat to put together compared to the metal US airborne 57mm anti tank gun. As always the Rubicon kits are a mile above Warlords! I painted the gun with a 'splinter camo' inspired theme and think it came out nicely. My only gripe is that the scale of the crew is slightly smaller than the Warlord figures and so the head swaps I did look a bit giant on the smaller bodies. Maybe one day I'll redo the crew when I have some spare Warlord German infantry bodies lying around.

Sd.Kfz.251 (Hanomag):


The Hanomag is from the Band of Brother starter and was actually pretty nice to put together. I decided to go with a dusty German grey rather than a dunkelgelb and I also didn't put the Pak38 gun in instead deciding to go with the machine gun. The machine gunner is actually the loader that comes with the Pak38 gun with trimmed down US airborne binocular arms.

Sd.Kfz. 234 (Puma):

The Puma is a warlord kit and was terrible to put together. I just skipped all of the tedious suspension on the bottom of the vehicle as you can't see it anyway and it was very fiddly to put together. I painted the Puma with Tamiya XF-60 to get that dunkelgelb and then gave a 'splinter camo' type scheme to match the Pak40. The messy camo scheme is a result of my shody brushwork as I don't have an airbrush but I kind of like it as historically the camo was painted on the front by the crew using whatever mops they had handy (at least that's how I justify it!). The stowage on the back is an ammo box from the Rubicon Pak40 kit with a tissue soaked in PVA as a tarpaulin.

Panzer IV:


Finally the Panzer IV.  I actually got this as part of the 'offset shipping' promo that Warlord was running to international buyers. It was a decent kit to put together and I decided to skip on the side schurtzen as I don't like way it makes the tank look so boxy. Painting this tank was an absolute disaster. I bought the Tamiya 'Mustard Yellow' spray thinking it was much darker and closer to XF-60 in colour but it came out way too bright yellow. I then tried to strip the paint job using 'detol' antiseptic following a guide I saw on youtube but it didn't strip properly and just turned the yellow an even stranger yellow colour with a very grainy texture. I decided to press on and continue with the model and paint some splinter camo and weather the tank but it really looks way too bright especially next to the Puma and Pak40. I might sacrifice this tank as a terrain piece for a future project and buy another kit to paint properly but for now it will remain part of my list!

That's it for the German army, I believe the whole thing comes out to about 1200+ points depending on if you take regular or veterans. I still have a few things to add before it is complete such as a Stug III, a Tiger I Ausf E, another medium MG team, a Panzershrek team and a quad 20mm Flakvierling 38. Maybe even another Grenadier squad! 

It's been a treat putting this army together and I've really loved jumping into the hobby both from a playing and painting/building perspective. Having both US and German armies also has helped break up the painting and made it easy to play some games with friends as I have everything at home ready to go. I'm looking forward to expanding this force out and, who knows, maybe even adding a 3rd army in the future(!!!!!).

Signing out,


Sunday, July 10, 2022

Scenario 7: Counter attack at Carentan

Finally we are ready for the final battle of our Normandy campaign - The German counter attack at Carentan. This scenario will be the same as Scenario 6 but with the Germans as attackers and the US forces defending - once again the objective will be for the attackers to capture 3 key positions on the battlefield.

Background:  In the afternoon of the 12th of June the 501st and 506th PIR were tasked with holding the freshly captured town of Carentan from the inevitable German counter attack. Having heard that Carentan has been lost, the Furher has ordered that the town be taken back. The 17th SS Panzer Grenadiers, led by their commander Werner Ostendorf, arrive in the area and prepare to attack the town with the support of the 6th Fallschirmjager and 37th SS panzer grenadiers.


In response the 2nd Armored division (US) are promptly sent to help reinforce the paras defending Carentan. 7am June the 13th the battle begins. Lead by armored STUG tank destroyers the German counter attack begins and the Americans must hold until their Armor arrives.

Why Some of the Allies' Toughest Fighting in Normandy Came After D-Day
The bocage of Normandy greatly favored defenders providing natural barricades.

Scenario: Attackers vs Defends. 



Why Some of the Allies' Toughest Fighting in Normandy Came After D-Day
American infantry holding the hedgerows in Normandy.



Regular 2nd Lieutenant and Man




Regular Paratrooper Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Regular Paratrooper Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Regular Paratrooper Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Veteran Pathfinder Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

2 Submachine guns

1 Rifle


Regular MMG team


Regular Bazooka Team


Regular 57mm Antitank gun


Regular Sherman M4A1

Pintle mounted HMG



WWII. Normandy, France. 2 July 1944. German Fallschirmjäger of the  Feldgendarmerie (Field Gendarmerie or Military Police) during the hedgerow  battles. Also known as "Kettenhunde" or chain dogs because of the gorget  worn
German Fallschirmjager


German:  Counter Attack Force


Regular 2nd Lieutenant and Man



Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

4 Riflemen (1 Panzerfaust)

1 Machine gun with 1 loader


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

4 Riflemen(1 Panzerfaust)

1 Machine gun with 1 loader.


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

4 Riflemen(1 Panzerfaust)

1 Machine gun with 1 loader.


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

2 Assault Rifles

4 Riflemen (1 Panzerfaust)


Regular MMG team


Regular Mortar Team



Regular SdKfz 234/2 Puma


Regular STUG III Ausf H



Special Rules:


As a boon to winning the last game we will play with the following rule:


The Cavalry:  US armored units must be left in reserve on this scenario and can only attempt to come onto the battlefield in turn 3.


Looking forward to a ripper final game to wrap up our campaign!

Signing out,


Scenario 7: The Airborne Retreat

Monday 25th September 1944. It is clear that the British 1st Airborne Division can no longer hold out at Oosterbeek. After over a week of br...