Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Scenario 4: Crossing the Waal

Crossing of the river Waal
American forces cross the Waal river under heavy fire.


Background: September 20th 1944, desperate to secure the Nijmegan bridge before German reinforcements arrived, General Gavin devised a daring plan: the Americans would conduct a risky daylight assault across the Waal River in flimsy canvas assault boats and in full view of German machine guns and artillery! Men from the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment set out to cross the Waal in these small boats with many men paddling with rifle butts or even their hands. The crossing was chaotic. Many of the boats were damaged or sunk by enemy fire but amazingly the paratroopers made it across and launched a ferocious assault on the German positions dug into the north bank. However, will it be enough to secure the bridge and give XXX corps a clear path to Arnhem?

Scenario: Crossing the Waal (from Operation Market Garden Campaign Book).


Kampfgruppe Henke:

2nd Lieutenant + man (Regular)

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)  (Must be held in reserve till turn 3)
NCO with SMG + LMG + Loader +4 rifles (1 Panzerfaust)

MMG team (Regular)

MMG team (Regular)

Kübelwagen + MMG (Regular)  (Must be held in reserve till turn 3)

82nd Airborne Division:

2nd Lieutenant + man (Veterans)

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles.

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles.

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles.

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)
NCO with SMG + 5 rifles.

Bazooka Team (Veterans)

Medium Machine Gun Team (Veterans)

Flamethrower Team (Veterans)

Mission Objectives: 

The US forces must seize the north side of the bridge. The US player gets 1 VP for every German Unit destroyed and every US unit at the North side of the bridge. The German players gets 1 VP for every US unit destroyed. If the Americans have failed to clear the bridge embankment by the end of Turn 5 roll a D6; a result of 1 means the German engineers have prepared their explosive charges. Roll the D6 again; a result of 1 or 2 means the bridge has blown and Market Garden has been stopped in its tracks. If not, repeat the process at the end of Turn 6, but this time a result of 1 – 4 means the bridge has gone up in smoke!

Special Rules: 

Under heavy fire: To represent the US forces advancing under heavy fire, before the game starts resolve a preparatory bombardment against the American forces.


The next installment for our campaign. Looking forward to playing out this amazing scenario in a cracking game of bolt action!

Signing out,



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Scenario 4: Crossing the Waal

American forces cross the Waal river under heavy fire.   Background: September 20th 1944, desperate to secure the Nijmegan bridge before Ger...