Thursday, February 24, 2022

Scenario 3: The Battle of Les Forges

With a successful game 2 for our Normandy Campaign it is now time to plan out the third game: The battle of Les Forges.

Background: 2pm June 6th 1944.  The American soldiers of the 8th Infantry Regiment commanded by Colonel James A. Van Fleet have reached National Road 13 accompanied by elements of the 82nd Airborne Division who landed on Utah in the morning. Their mission is to secure the area surrounding Les Forges which will serve as LZ "W" for the Glider infantry who are set to land tonight as part of 'Operation Elmira'. The Germans, who have now concentrated their resistance, stand firm and have halted any advance on the national road which they sweep under the fire of their guns. Time is of the essence: the Americans must neutralize the enemy positions which threaten the arrival of glider reinforcements on the LZ "W".

The many landing zones of D-Day. Les Forges was key to the security of LZ "W".



Points: 750 points US and 650 points Germany + Fortifications


Scenario: Attackers and Defenders "Envelope"




US: 82nd Airborne and 8th Infantry Regiment (Attackers)



2nd Lieutenant and Man(Regular)




Regular Paratrooper Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Regular Paratrooper Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Regular Infantry Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

1 B.A.R

7 Riflemen


Veteran Engineer Squad

1 NCO with submachine gun
2 Flame thrower
3 Riflemen


Regular MMG


Regular Bazooka Team


Regular Medium Mortar Team


Regular M8 Greyhound


German: Grenadier-Regiment 1058, 91. Infanterie Division (Defenders)



2nd Lieutenant and Man (Veteran)



Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

4 Riflemen (1 Panzerfaust)

1 Light Machine gun with 1 loader


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

4 Riflemen(1 Panzerfaust)

1 Light Machine gun with 1 loader.


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

4 Riflemen(1 Panzerfaust)

1 Light Machine gun with 1 loader.


Regular Heer Grenadier Squad

1 NCO with Submachine gun

2 Assault Rifles

3 Riflemen (1 Panzerfaust)


Regular Medium Mortar Team


Regular MMG


Regular 75mm Pak 40


All that remained of a C-47 that crashed and burned in Normandy.

Despite heavy enemy fire most of the gliders were cast loose over the German positions. Some came down in enemy lines; some drifted farther south; most crash landed with high casualties

As a boon for winning the last game. The American forces will automatically start the game with a preparatory bombardment as per the bolt action rules. 

Keen to see how it all plays out. Will the Americans be able to push through and secure LZ "W" before the gliders arrive tonight? Will the Germans repel the US advance and wreak chaos on the gliders as they land before their guns? Only one way to find out!

Signing off,


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