Monday, February 21, 2022

Terrain Piece: Wrecked Sherman

As part of rubicons M4 Sherman/Firefly IC kit (which is an excellent kit!) you are given the choice between small or large hatch hulls to make the different builds of Sherman. I went for the late war M4A1 for my Normandy force and was left with a spare turret and hull from the kit. It seemed like a great opportunity to put together a terrain piece for use in our Bolt Action games.


I stuck the remaining hull and turret together and based it all on some card. The inside of the tank is propped up with crumpled paper. The foam core wall was made with prints stuck on foam. The rubble is MDF bricks, cut up sprues and paddle-pop stick wooden beams. 


All in all I'm very happy with how it looks and think it will really add some character to the battlefield. It was also a pleasant break from painting the usual miniatures for the two armies I'm making. Might have to bust it out in the next game!

Signing off,


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