We recently had an awesome game of bolt action where I debuted my British Airborne Army which is currently a WIP. We played the scenario 'Supply Drop' which I got from TabletopCP on youtube. The rules are as follows: At the beginning of turn 4 a total of 3 supply drop objectives will land on the board in a random location determined by a scatter dice. The first supply drops in the centre of the board, and the other two are 6" +3D6" away from it in opposite directions. Holding an objective at the end of the game awards 3 victory points and 1 victory point is gained for each enemy unit totally destroyed.
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The town of Oosterdam |
September 1944 - A rag tag paratroop from the British 1st Airborne Division have found themselves massively off course and landed in the small Dutch town of Oosterdam. Luckily the Luftwaffe units defending the village were easily startled and retreated giving the British troops time to regroup and organise. Hopelessly outnumbered and in disarray 2nd Lieutenant Phil Cromwell has requested a supply drop directly onto the town to give his men the much needed food, water and ammunition to hold back the Germans until friendly troops can arrive. Just as luck would have it, the ruthless SS-Untersturmführer Von Schnitz had been on leave in the area and upon hearing of the British airborne assault tasked himself with destroying the Brits before they can receive their support from the incoming armored divisions.
Sergeant Harris placed the MP40 down on the banks and filled his canteen from the river coursing through the town. He wished he hadn't lost his rifle on the jump but the German machine pistol would have to do until those supplies came. Suddenly the peaceful drink break was interrupted by the rumble of tracks and engine from the Western side of town. Harris saw a German Hanomag filled with SS men advancing across the fields and towards the bridge in the centre of town. "BRING UP THE PIAT!" he yelled to his men who were taking cover in the nearby buildings. "The Germans are attacking!" The paras advance under the cover of the Jeeps MG.
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Pvt Evans gets the PIAT into position. |
Pvt Evans wasted no time in getting the PIAT into position to destroy the Hanomag before the SS troops could dismount. He stuck to the edge of the bombed out buildings to avoid the machine gun fire and advanced slowly and cautiously. A German sniper shot rang out and clanged off the bonnet of the jeep causing the driver to go down and startling the crew. Small arms fire between the Luftwaffe squads and the Paras resulted in casualties on both sides and a well placed Panzershreck shell blasted the building Sergeant Harris was now sheltering in, showering the old sergeant in plaster and dust.
Suddenly the Sdkfz 251 streamed forward firing its machine gun into the paratrooper squads amongst the ruins. Stg44 fire crackled as a torrent of bullets tore through the brickwork and caused many casualties to the paratroopers despite them hitting the deck. The Bren gun in a neighboring squad returned the favor and peppered the SS fanatics, killing their SS-Unterscharführer as they took cover amongst the ruble. Following this, a well place sniper shot made sure the SS soldiers kept their heads down. Meanwhile on the opposite banks of the river, the Luftwaffe squads entered the buildings by the road and began to fire at Cromwell and his paratroopers as they crossed the field.SS troops taking cover in the rubble.
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The paras capture the building from the Germans |
As the battle raged on, none of the soldiers heard the supply plane flying overhead until the cargo canisters landed right before them with a hard thud. One supply drop landed amongst the British men, another next to the German sniper team taking cover in a bombed out apartment and the final one landed square in the centre of the bridge over the river. Lieutenant Cromwell knew this was the moment for action and the battle would be lost if his men did not secure those supplies. With a mighty cry of "Wooahh Mohammad!" he charged into the nearest building Sten gun blazing. His men cried out with him and charged into the neighboring building and a bloody melee ensued. Cromwell and his adjutant took down two Germans before the young Lieutenant was fatally struck with a sharpened entrenchment tool. The paratroopers in the building next door, however, were successful in capturing the building and killed every last Luftwaffe soldier within right before the eyes of Von Schnitz!
Inspired by the war cry of his comrades, Pvt Evans rushed forwards towards the Hanomag and readied his PIAT. With a clink the large spring sprung and launched a shell directly through the frontal armor of the halftrack. The shell rattled the crew within and showered them with a spray of dust and shrapnel. The SS Fanatics advanced into the crater Evans and his loader were hiding in and executed the men with Stg44 fire. In swift vengeance a nearby paratrooper squad charged into the same crater and killed the SS fanatics in a brutal combat that left the British with many casualties.Evans firing his PIAT.
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The supplies are secured! |
The sudden surge and terrifying cries of the British Airborne began to take its toll on the Luftwaffe soldiers, they wanted this war to end and weren't ready to die for an SS Untersturmführer. The soldiers pulled back and fired wildly into the buildings hiding the British paratroopers. Despite being heavily pinned and unable to move the stubborn paratroopers held on and did not flee their position. At this critical moment Sergent Evans rallied his men and charged forward onto the bridge to capture the vital supply drop. SS-Untersturmführer Von Schnitz surveyed the field and realized he had no choice but to pull his men back - with a final Seig Heil he retreated from Oosterdam to wait for reinforcements. He only hoped that his reinforcements would arrive before the British armor!
A convincing British victory with 9 points to 5 and it was an absolute treat to get the new army on the table. The scenario was a great one and a change in the position of the supply drops could have easily swung the result of the game either way as the British right flank (where the supplies ended up dropping) was well reinforced compared to the left. As always it was awesome to play some bolt action and I'm already looking forward to our next game!
Signing out,
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