Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Scenario: Assault on the Flak Battery

Missing our Normandy campaign and in anticipation for a future Market Garden campaign I have decided to have another crack at making a fun scenario to scratch the itch and give me a great excuse to field my new Flakvierling 38!

The scenario is named "Assault on the Flak Battery" and is an attacker and defender scenario played on a 4'x4' board. 


German Flugzeugabwehrkanone (Flak) 38


Background: September 17th 1944:  British 1st Airborne Division have been dropped into multiple towns across the Netherlands as part of the allies bold plan Operation Market Garden. Blown off course by fierce flak fire a group of paratroopers find themselves far from their LZ and objectives. Rallied together by a daring 1st Lieutenant the hastily organised forces spot a German Flak gun firing wildly into the sky. The Brits spring to action with a plan to silence the gun and give their boys in the sky a chance at coming in safe!


British 1st Airborne:

First Lieutenant and man with SMGs. (Veteran)

Paratroop Section (Veteran)
4 Infantry with rifles
1 Infantry with SMG
1 NCO with SMG

Paratroop Section (Veteran)
4 Infantry with rifles
1 Infantry with SMG
1 NCO with SMG

Paratroop Section (Veteran)
4 Infantry with rifles
1 Infantry with LMG (Requires loader)
1 NCO with SMG

PIAT Team (Veteran)

Jeep (Veteran)
Pintle-mounted MMG.


176th Luftwaffe Flak Division:

Second Lieutenant and man with SMGs. (Regular)

Luftwaffe Defence Squad (Regular)*
4 Infantry with rifles
1 NCO with SMG
1 man has Panzerfause in addition to other weapons.

Luftwaffe Defence Squad (Regular)*
4 Infantry with rifles
1 NCO with SMG
1 man has Panzerfause in addition to other weapons.

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
3 Infantry with rifles
1 Infantry with Assault rifle
1 NCO with SMG

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
3 Infantry with rifles
1 Infantry with Assault rifle
1 NCO with SMG

Medium Machine Gun Team (Regular)

20mm Flakvierling 38 (Regular)
Gun Shield

*These squads have the Shirkers special rule.


The Flak gun should be placed in an entrenched position in the centre 6" from the defenders edge. The terrain leading to the flak gun should be a mixture of soft and hard cover with many of line of sight blocking elements.

The defender sets up at most half of his units (rounding down and including the gun) 12" from his table edge. Units that are not set up to start with are left in reserve. The attacker's units are not set up on the table at the start of the game. The attacker must nominate at least half of his force to form his first wave. This can be the entire army if he wishes. Any unit not included in the first wave is left in reserve.

Reserves are allowed to outflank in this scenario.


Keep that Flak firing!
The Flak gun is too busy firing into the sky and is unable to fire at ground targets in the first turn. In addition, the order dice for the Flak gun should be  a separate colour from the defender and attacker order dice. The Flak gun can only activate when this specific order dice is drawn.

Well Crewed
The Flak gun has 1 extra crew member from what is noted in Armies of Germany book.


The attacker must try and silence the Flak gun. To silence the gun all of the gun crew must be killed or routed.


As this strike is carried deep behind enemy lines there is no preparatory barrage used in this scenario. 


The battle begins. During turn 1, the attacker must move his entire first wave onto the table. These units can enter the table from any point on the attackers table edge, and must be given either a run or advance order. Note that no order test is required to move units on the table as part of the first wave. 


Keep a count of how many turns have elapsed as the game is played. At the end of turn 6, roll a die. On a result of 1,2 or 3 the game ends, on a roll of 4,5 or 6 play one further final turn. 


As soon as all the crew are destroyed or routed then the game ends and the attacker wins.
At the end of the final turn, if the Flak gun still has at least 1 crew member, then the defenders win. 

I'm very keen to play this out and I think it could be a bit of fun. The theme could easily be extended to any other airborne invasion in WWII (Normandy, Crete, Sicily) with only some minor tweaking and expanded to say 1000 points (perhaps even two guns or a whole battery!). I'm looking forward to a great game and I hope the scenario can inspire others to design their own or improve and expand on this one!

Signing off,



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