Sunday, June 25, 2023

Battle Report: Capture the downed pilot.

German forces moving in on the pilot
On the cold November morning of 1944 allied planes engaged in a dog fight against a weakened Luftwaffe. A lone German ME109, already damaged from enemy fire, fought to stay airborne. However, its valiant struggle ended as it crashed into a nearby farm in Eastern France. The impact was thunderous, engulfing the area in a cloud of smoke and debris. The unexpected crash spelled it's own disaster as both allied and German intelligence were aware that the pilot of this plane had on his possession important documents crucial to the German war effort. 

Thus, a critical mission unfolded as British Commandos embarked on a daring operation to capture a downed enemy pilot carrying these crucial documents. However, their valiant efforts were soon met with unexpected challenges posed by the determined German forces. The British Commandos stealthily made their way through the treacherous terrain, moving cautiously towards the downed pilot's location. Encountering German resistance, tensions rose as both sides braced themselves for a fierce confrontation. 

SS Fanatics storm the wreckage but
there is no sign of the pilot or documents.
The wounded pilot began to stumble about the field and in his dazed state and walked straight into the hands of the British who quickly captured him, bound his arms and opened fire on the German forces arriving at the crash sight. In the midst of the chaos and uncertainty, a fierce exchange of fire erupted between the British Commandos and the German forces. 

The crack of gunfire reverberated through the air, intermingling with the deafening sounds of explosions and the screams of combatants. Both sides fought with unwavering determination, unleashing a storm of bullets upon each other, however, the German forces demonstrated their mettle.

They skillfully outmaneuvered the British Commandos, gaining the upper hand in the fierce battle. With superior tactics and unwavering resolve, the Germans pressed forward, determined to protect their position and prevent the capture of the downed pilot. A series of well placed MG42 shots coupled with the German Uberleutnant snapping his men to action at a critical time forced the British to go down lest they be cut down by the wicked fire. 
The commandos ask for appeasement from the hedge.

 A crack unit of SS veterans surged forward and assaulted the British driving them from the battlefield and securing the wounded pilot for themselves. Ordered to counter assault and drive the SS back, a British sergeant lost his mettle and instead called for a policy of appeasement attempting to let the Germans take the pilot if they would only hand over the documents. Unfortunately for the British, these calls fell onto deaf ears. The Germans forces under the intense fire from machine gun, rifle and sniper fire were able to secure the pilot and drag him to safety. In this intense encounter, the German forces showcased their exceptional combat prowess and strategic acumen.

The brave actions of the German soldiers, under heavy fire, successfully secured the downed pilot and the vital documents and won the day. The fate of the war, however, still hung in the balance.

A melee between SS and British forces.
Another excellent game of bolt action which ended in a convincing German victory. My opponent, commanding the British, made a few ill opportune moves and had his squads caught out of cover and some strong shooting from my infantry squads really turned the tide of the battle. I think he would have been better suited to use his early dice to set his squads on Ambush and wait for my men to leave cover to come capture the pilot he was escorting back to his own lines. Once again the game was so gripping I quickly forgot to take photos of some of the key turns and scenes but that's the beauty of this game, it is so immersive and leads to some real nail-biting situations! Can't wait for the next one!

Signing out,


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