Monday, August 21, 2023

Battle Report: Battle for Franqueville

The morning sun rose over the French town of Franqueville on a hot summer morning. Both American and German troops entered the now abandoned town with the sole goal of driving the other force from the field. As the two sides hastily ran to get into position, German troops, strategically positioned in upper-story windows, unleashed a barrage of gunfire upon the advancing American forces. Despite their efforts, the Germans found it difficult to land effective shots as the Americans sought cover behind debris and buildings.  

Undeterred, the US soldiers pushed forward, a determined look in their eyes. With orders ringing out, they charged toward a trench that had been hastily dug by the German defenders. Enemy fire continued to rain down, forcing some Americans supporting a flamethrower team to take cover, while others made it into the trench, hoping to gain a foothold and secure a key position. However, in direct response a group of determined SS Panzer Grenadiers, driven by fanatical devotion to their cause, charged forward with reckless abandon. Their shouts of fervor echoed through the air as they stormed toward the American-held trench cutting down all the Americans within including a bazooka team.

The German machine gun team fire from
an abandoned farm house

Americans advance to the trench under heavy fire

The American Lieutenant Jack Daniels then found himself isolated from his unit, a dangerous situation in the midst of combat. As he struggled to regain his bearings, a group of determined German soldiers closed in on him and stormed the building he was taking cover in. A fierce melee ensued, and despite his best efforts, the Lieutenant was overwhelmed by the enemy's superior numbers and fell.

Lieutenant Daniels is caught by the Germans.

The loss of their leader was a devastating blow to the American morale and the German troops seized the opportunity to press their advantage. With their spirits bolstered by this turn of events, they intensified their assault, gradually pushing the American forces back. However, a well placed mortar shot from the Americans landed in the top story of the farm house and killed the machine gun crew to the man, silencing the gun once and for all.

Amidst the chaos, the French Resistance emerged from a basement of smoldering farm house, armed and ready to contribute to the battle. "Viva le Resistance!" cried one of the resistance fighters as he aimed a Panzerfaust at an approaching German motorbike, hoping to deal a decisive blow. The rocket was fired with a deafening roar, streaking across the street. However, luck was not on their side, and the warhead narrowly missed its target, erupting in an explosion that sent shrapnel flying. 


The Resistance fighters ambush the motorbike!

As the battle wore on, the German troops displayed remarkable cohesion and discipline. Their well-coordinated attacks and effective use of cover allowed them to maintain control of key positions. Despite the American soldiers' courage and resilience, they struggled to regain their momentum.

The ferocity and unwavering fanaticism of the SS soldiers charging into the trench proved decisive in this harrowing engagement. In the end, the combined efforts of the German troops and their strategic positioning proved decisive. The US forces were gradually pushed back and eventually forced to retreat from the town. The German victory was hard-fought but resounding, as they successfully defended their positions and repelled the American assault.

Another cracker of a game of bolt action! The SS charging into the trench and killing the US flamethrower team was the real turning point in the battle and the US side seemed to have the upper hand before then, in the end it was a convincing German victory. We also had some new toys to play with today - The German motorbike with sidecar and the Resistance squad. We gave the resistance squad the rule that they could come out of reserve in any terrain piece (as long as it makes sense) so they emerged from one of the empty buildings to ambush the motorbike! It was an epic moment but unfortunately my opponent did not get lucky with the dice - but that's the beauty of bolt action!

Until the next game!

Signing out,


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