Saturday, September 9, 2023

Kit Bash: US Airborne Forward Radio Operator


US Airborne on a SCR-300 "Walkie Talkie" radio

The SCR-300 Walkie-Talkie was a significant technological advancement in military communications during World War II. Its portability and reliability made it a valuable tool for infantry units, allowing them to communicate effectively and adapt to changing battlefield conditions. Inspired by various photos I had seen I decided to try my hand at making a dedicated forward observer model for my US airborne army with one of these radios. Previously I had just been using my Mortar team spotter (a guy holding binoculars) who definitely looked the part but was a bit awkward if I ever wanted to field my spotter + observer in the same game.


The conversion is simple enough - I used a mixture of US airborne, US army and wargames atlantic french resistance pieces to make the full plastic model.  The radio is a US ammo box with a bit of broom bristle as antenna. The earpiece is a binocular with a german grenade head and a bit of wire. Finally I like the helmet off look and the resistance fighter head was a great fit.

All in all this was a simple conversion which I feel really captures the scene of the radio operator taking a rest and relaying some co-ordinates to the battery behind the line (or pilots in the air!). I hope it inspires others to use their bits boxes creatively to make some unique models!

Signing off,



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