Friday, June 21, 2024

Scenario 3: The Battle for Nijmegen


The Waal Bridge and Nijmegen following the battle.

Background: Tuesday 19th September 1944 - the British Guards Armored Division and US 82nd Airborne Division have finally joined forces and are poised to capture the town of Nijmegen, securing the ever important bridge spanning the Waal river. In the late afternoon the Anglo-American combat forces move into town, resulting in a heavy firefight with a mixture of elite SS and regular Heer troops of Kampfgruppe Henke. The fate of Nijmegen hangs in the balance and the British 1st airborne troops in Arnhem are in desperate need of relief. Will the allies successfully capture the bridge?

Scenario: Key positions.


Anglo-American Forces (82nd PIR and British Guards Armored Division).

2nd Lieutenant + man (Veterans)

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)

-          NCO with SMG + 1 BAR+  6 rifles

US Paratrooper Squad (Veterans)

-         NCO with SMG + 1 BAR+  6 rifles 

British Guards Infantry Section (Regular)

NCO with SMG + 6 rifles

Medium Machine gun Team (Veterans)

Bazooka Team (Veterans)

Jeep with MMG (Veterans)

Resistance Squad (Inexperienced)

M4 Sherman 75mm

Kampfgruppe Henke

2nd Lieutenant + man (Veteran)

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
NCO with SMG + LMG + Loader +3 rifles (1 Panzerfaust)

Heer Grenadier Squad (Regular)
NCO with SMG + LMG + Loader +3 rifles (1 Panzerfaust)

SS troops of Kampfgruppe Henke (Veteran)
NCO with SMG +2 Assault rifle +2 rifles (1 Panzerfaust)

MMG team (Regular)

Medium Mortar Team + Spotter (Regular)

Panzershrek Team (Regular)

Sniper Team (Regular)

75mm Pak40 (Regular)

SdKFz 251 Halftrack (Regular)

Mission objectives: Both sides much destroy the enemy forces and capture the key positions of Nijmegen!

Special Rules:

Local Help: The allied forces receive a free Dutch Resistance Squad to their army list.


Very keen for the next installment in the campaign and a cracking game of bolt action!

Signing out,


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