Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sneak Peak: British XXX Corps

With our next campaign game coming up it put the fire under me to get a move on with the British forces for the Operation Market Garden Campaign. I'm making a force that I want to use to represent XXX Corps!

XXX Corps played a crucial role in Operation Market Garden, one of the most ambitious and daring operations of the war. The corps was commanded by Lieutenant General Brian Horrocks and consisted of an array of British and Commonwealth troops, armored divisions, and support units. Their objective during Market Garden was to advance through the Netherlands, secure key bridges, and ultimately link up with airborne forces that had been dropped ahead to seize these strategic points. Despite the operation’s mixed outcomes, the bravery and tenacity of XXX Corps remain legendary.

XXX Corps passing through Grave are greeted by Dutch civilians.

In our Operation Market Garden campaign, I wanted to capture the essence of this historical effort by building an army that represents the combined might of the Anglo-American forces. While XXX Corps was predominantly British, the operation itself involved a coordinated effort with American airborne divisions, making it a perfect theme for a diverse and dynamic army.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of this project (and hobby in general) has been (1) researching the units and battles in detail and gaining a deep understanding of the importance that these events held for not only the people who lived through them, but us as well, and (2) the opportunity to paint a new faction. Transitioning from my usual armies to XXX Corps allowed me to explore new techniques and color palettes. The distinct British uniforms  provided a refreshing change and a chance to expand my painting skills. Here's a few snaps below of some minis I've done so far:

Simple conversion with a US airborne left arm

Wounded rifleman

Sarge having a durry

The boys together

Wouldn't be XXX corps without some armored support (still very much WIP)

Creating my XXX Corps army for the Operation Market Garden campaign has been a fulfilling experience. I'm excited to see how this army performs on the tabletop and how it adds depth and immersion to our campaign games.

Whether you're a seasoned wargamer or just starting out, I highly recommend taking on a project that pushes your creative boundaries and allows you to learn more about the rich history behind the armies we collect and paint.

Signing out,


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