We have finally got around to playing the final battle in our (almost) year long bolt action Normandy campaign. The final German counter attack on Carentan to throw the US out of the city and send the invasion crumbling into the sea! The table was set up like so:
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The outskirts of Carentan with bocage to be defended by the US Airborne! |
Thunderous booms filled the afternoon air as preliminary bombardment from the nearby 88 battery crashed down into the bocage which was being held by the infantry of the 101st US airborne. Heavily pinned and losing a few men in the bombardment, the American forces braced for a fierce German counterattack. The bombarded US line holds ready for the German advance.
"Schnell! Schnell!" cried Leutnant Von de Hydte Jnr over the rumbling roar of the StuG's engines as it tore up the road towards the defended hedgerows. The German infantry quickly snapped to action and began running for cover as they approached the vital town. Fire from both sides was ineffective as the hedges concealed the US forces and the crew of the 57mm anti tank gun were unable to find mark on the advancing German armor.
Lt Summers stared across the field as the German infantry charged towards his position backed by their heavy armor. He ordered his men to hold the line and continue firing, there was no reason to leave their heavily defended position and he knew the enemy would have to come to them if they wanted to seize victory this day. The fire on the German infantry intensified as they advanced, however, sticking to cover and backed by a StuG in their centre and Puma armored car on their flank the men were able to reduce the number of causalities they sustained on the advance. The 57mm anti tank gun fired rapidly at the incoming StuG but each shell missed its mark and crashed into the field and hedges of the area. Mortar fire on the American position intensified and the entire crew of the anti tank gun were killed instantly by a direct hit!
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Backed by heavy armor the German forces charge the line |
Emboldened by the destruction of the enemy anti tank gun, the German forces pushed up to the hedgerow and began to assault the Americans in their positions. A fierce melee erupted with spade and bayonet and many US and Germans were killed in the frenzy, including Lt Summers. Despite heavy losses the German infantry were able to overpower their US enemies consolidating across the hedge line and into the key positions. The StuG rumbled up to the hedge and cannon and machine gun fire began wreaking havoc on the dug in paratroopers further up the line. All looked grim as the centre of the American line began to crumble under the weight of the German attack.
Suddenly, the grinding of tank treads could be heard coming down the Western road. The US cheered and hollered as a Sherman from the 2nd armored division rumbled onto the battlefield supported by infantry from the 29th Army division. The Sherman's main gun fired at the StuG and while the shot found purchase, the shell glanced from its heavy side armor. The fresh infantry reserves rapidly counterattacked the German grenadiers who were positioned on the hedge line and killed them to the man, reclaiming the key position! The StuG quickly pivoted and fired back the Sherman but the surprised crew could not fire accurately and missed their mark. A deadly face off between US and German armor!
Lt Von de Hydte Jnr grit his teeth as he watched the American army troops reinforce the battered paratroopers. A counter attack at this pivotal moment could turn the tide of battle and throw his forces back from Carentan. He ordered the men on his Western flank to ignore the Sherman and to seize the objectives being held by the few remaining paratroopers. The troops obeyed and rushed onto the pointThe US army counter attacked proved deadly for the grenadiers.
around the back of the American tank, cutting down an American mortar spotter in the process. The Sherman tank commander was not distracted by the infantry swarming nearby and ordered his gunner to fire another anti tank round at the StuG down the road. The shell screamed across the battlefield and slammed into the front of the assault gun knocking it out and killing the crew. A second explosion rang out as a bazooka shell slammed into the Puma and stunned the crew of the armored car.
Surrounded and outnumbered - the Germans surrender
Lt Von de Hydte knew that this battle was lost, the American forces were rallying and his own troop numbers had dwindled to the point that no reasonable attack could be launched. He ordered his men to throw down their arms and surrender. The invasion would be a success and the allies would secure a foothold in the West!
A convincing US victory in another cracker game of bolt action! Starting the paratroopers in hard cover while the Germans advanced across the field might have proven a bit unbalanced but who cares it was somewhat historically accurate and very fun! Once again the game was littered with funny moments and crazy dice rolls which is what it's all about.
That concludes our campaign with a final score of 4 US victories, 2 German victories and 1 draw - Overall a major US victory (history repeating itself it seems!). While this finishes off our Normandy campaign this is by no means the end of our bolt action games. I have some loose plans to do an Operation Market Garden campaign in the future and there are a few cool scenarios I want to try out that I've seen on Youtube and Reddit. I also plan to post a few more painting and model pics for my new British Airborne army.
The hobby has been awesome and I'm really enjoying it with no signs of slowing down, so until next time.
Signing off,
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